
From the Governing Body

Global School of Science, an Exclusive Center of +2 Science

Dear Valued Students and Respected Parents,

Thank you for pouring enormous trust and interest upon global school of science (GSS). Our inspiration behind launching gss has been to educate a whole person for progressive life career with a study of life sciences, modern technology, engineering, medical science, and more. We have always felt it essential that our learner communities are acquainted with the modern concepts, approaches and skills of science and technologies. Its essentiality pertains to use the modern scientific tools, experiment the scientific phenomena for a precise understanding of the solutions to the problems; biological, medical, physical, natural etc.  In order to grow scientific knowledge enhanced.

Ever since, we have considered that for our young people aspiring to explore strong foundations of knowledge for prosperous career through Science, an Exclusive Center of Science having an active learning environment, is only the best option. A center as such constitutes education by means of a multitude of modern physical, academic and technological systems incorporated on an interface. An interactive system by law is adequate on creating learning motivation in students for them to self-engage in experiential and scientifically refined results on constructing knowledge from the action of experiments. Authentic and experiential practices are vital components on building an academic process that has to be perfect on acquiring quality educational outcomes. In the academic process framed to imparting Science education in exclusive design, we avail our learner communities modern and high-tech supported labs where the students make an ongoing engagement on learning by conduction of practical experiments and problem-solving tasks designed to exploring numerous facts in biology, physics, natural environment, technology etc. subjects.

It is so plainly visible that present and future contexts are going to be more complex for our young generations not only professionally but also, in personal walks of life that have begun to make out biological, psychological, technological, environmental etc. encounters of unprecedented magnitude. Ominous problems of unlimited categories in health, natural states, living conditions, technological divides, and many more have already started to disturb the previously set living and working states of humanities. The problems of scientific nature sure to become more complex in in the lives of our young generations. In the conditions of extreme challenges, it is, hence, required that our new generations are educated adeptly to grow more competent and be able to cope with natural, biological and medical hazards facing 21st century humanity in personal life as well as professional fronts.

Keeping account on substantial importance of structural ambiances, we have constructed state-of-the art infrastructure in the world-class campus buildings having classrooms and interior facilities that are all accessed with high- tech and smart technologies. The advance physical and technological ambiances are used as the enablers on designing active teaching and learning process as instrumental to making a difference. In fact, under Professional Educators Limited, a popular brand name in Education on corporate design, we have put in our sole effort and it is on developing GSS to be an exclusive center of Science where our students are guaranteed an experience of academic excellence. In addition, considering significance of collaborative approach to education on transformation, we have set a priority in our policy and it is redesign GSS where teaching-learning is executed upon skills of collaboration. We are delighted to inform that we lend our young minds an easy and smart exposure to academically innovative learning environment where learning is achieved out of collaborative actions together with lab-based experiments and out-reach experiential engagements. In short, we can assure, that you will feel, understand and enhance skills on how to use and also create scientific discoveries out of your engagements in the experimental processes of learning a number of areas within Science in its literal sense. Lastly, we welcome all the potential, aspirant students and respected parents to GSS, an exclusive center of +2 science and pursue a very eventual study in science upon being future doctors, engineers, pilots, IT experts, and scientists.



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