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Ananta Khanal


Mr. Khanal is an excellent faculty with tons of experience in the education field. He teaches English (ENG-0031/ENG-0041) at the Global School of Science.



Ananta Khanal is an experienced English language teacher who has been teaching for over 15 years at various colleges in Kathmandu, including the Global School of Science (GSS) and the Global College of Management (GCM). He has also been involved in academic research and creative writing, with research interests in Writing and Rhetoric, Composition, Pedagogy, English Language Teaching, Cultural Studies, and American Studies. He was honored with the Excellent Teacher Award from Uniglobe College. He holds an MPhil in English from Pokhara University. Ananta was born in Palpa and is originally from Bhirahawa, Rupandehi, and currently resides in Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu.


Tel.: 9851164905


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