
Inquiry tasks, observations, survey-based projects,

and science-exhibitions are a few selective methods

integrated at GSS with project-learning.

Project-learning is a research-based approach to

study science and GSS adopts this practice as a

mainstream pedagogical strategy for education

to build in scientifically validated and logically

organized framework of learning. As one of the

most emphasized strategies, project learning

involves students and faculty in research actions

who collaborate purposefully to conduct subject

and topic-focused lab experiments carried out

individually as well as in groups as would demand

each course of science through annual studies.

Inquiry tasks, observations, survey-based projects,

and science-exhibitions are a few selective methods

integrated at GSS with project-learning. This model

in our experience has been successful to promoting

students’ knowledge and enhance in them research

skills whence the practitioners become able to

analyze and interpret the phenomena independently

and present their self-created understanding in

a scientific way. The projects undertaken by the

students at GSS entail diagnosing and analyzing

problems in the subjects and on the field and

thereon designing presenting tasks that encompass

study of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology,

Computer Science, and Technology etc.


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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