
Every student wants to be successful in their life but should get similar success, not necessarily.

In an academic realm made up to delivering education within student centric approaches, counseling is central and it’s in view of a common

necessity of scaffolding learners who need to immerse in problem-solving endeavors. Learners at adolescent stage tend to develop unidentified

perceptual values either being ruled by ignorance or due to peer pressures that usually come with irresistible power. At such junctures, counseling due

to its psychological power can help adolescents overcome a series of pandemics and fatalities, avert dilemmatic miss-conceptions, and cope

with variously affecting indispositions that come associated with age-factors, and other challenges.


Considering high level of significance, counseling at GSS is practiced as a constructive and so, better alternative over practices of adversely affecting

panelizing approaches. As a creative strategy, we at GSS give high priority on counseling that tremendously helps our young ones sort out psychologically insinuated problems and study pressures hampering intellectual sharpness and in turn adversely affecting career prospects. At times, a central focus is placed on counseling and guidance served by experts deputed at GSS to

guide students throughout. Career counseling at GSS involves enabling students to envision, explore and select better study options and techniques

and also be prepared to pursue better academic course considering its relevance for career to follow on successful graduation from the program. GSS has deputed full time working experts along with renowned visiting professionals from the field of psychology and career counseling.


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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