
A warm and sincere welcome gives a sense of caring and makes people feel appreciated, as well as making them feel that they have made a good choice in using a business in preference to others. Nurturing these relationships is a crucial part of growing a successful business – this takes time, commitment and enthusiasm.

GSS organizes welcome as an annual event that is a signature program of the college. The welcome program is the combination of formal and informal stage events the students are allowed to organize in order to showcase their talents and creativity in presence of the whole college students, faculty and parents whom GSS invites to witness and interact with the college family through celebration of success on admissions.  Welcome program-2078 organized at the commencement of the main session of GSS at the august gathering of all new intakes of students in physical and biological group. The program was hosted by the student anchors together with the ECA coordinator of the college. GSS management team accompanied by the faculty and students organized the event at National Academy, Kamaladi-Kathmandu. The event was divided into formal and informal segments. The formal session was of inauguration attended by the guest dignitaries who were invited to deliver their keynotes for the insights and inspiration to the new intakes. The information session of the program was filled with excitement, laughter and fun all from stage performances, songs and dances contributed by the senior batches and students having creativity who performed in groups as well as solo cultural shows, songs and dances. More than 500 students, guests and faculty attended the welcome program of GSS in the year 2078. 


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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