
Going on Excursions offers students a unique cultural learning experience. It allows students to be involved in new environments, key to encouraging curiosity about a given subject. 

For an exposure and also to ensure practical learning of the theoretical concepts relating to a number of topics of science such as botany, zoology, physical science and more, GSS takes the students of all groups to the field exposure excursions mandatorily once but depending on need, several times in year. 


The excursion this year i.e. 2078 was organized to a moisture area where the students could observe vegetation fields, botanical garden, lake-side moist landscape, and many more.   Also students were taken to visit the engineering innovation centre, national science laboratory where they had an opportunity to observe a number of inventions the scientists have stocked for experiments and further discoveries to take place. 

The excursions as usual this year was accompanied by the college administration staff, program managers and all faculty members whose presence was mandated to mentor the students about how things grow on the field and how things are experimented in the national laboratories, and so on.  The excursion of 278 included the Filed visits where students were involved to make observation of and reporting upon biodiversity conserved areas, chemical manufacturers and industries, food and beverage production firms and industries, technology parks amongst others and then develop their journal.  GSS is partnered with several institutions and industries which lend students an easy access to their resources for a scientific observation and study. 


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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