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Hari Sharan Regmi


Mr. Regmi is an excellent teacher with many years of experience in the education field. In Global School of Science, he teaches Physics.



A confident, enthusiastic and hard working physics teacher with 13+ years of teaching experience. He has been working as a teaching faculty of physics in Global School of Science. Moreover he has excellent knowledge of theoretical and concepts of physics with excellent communication skills. He has been conducted many seminars and talk programs with experts in the field for enhancing student’s interests in physics. 

He has been honored with academic excellence awards for his outstanding academic achievement to South Western State college, Everest Innovative college and others. He holds Master’s of Science In Physics from Central department of Physics T.U, Kirtipur. He was born in Gorkha, permanently from Chitwan and currently resides in Sundarijal, Kathmandu. 



Tel.: 9841850684

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