
GSS holds with philosophy that defines science education not simply as a verifying system of knowing about the physical, biological, and technological elements of the world in substance, but also, an integrated practice of mastering the cosmos by being immersed in prolific process of verification, experimentation, and academically useful research creation and innovation transforming knowledge into discovery. On this foundation, GSS articulates the outlined vision, mission and objectives.


To be a pioneer of science education, a core science discovering research center and a reputed academic organization of learning excellence with a benchmarking niche where each individual is guaranteed of self-explorative and innovative learning environment.  


Founded on principles of developing science within the consistently revised approaches while mediating education as a resourceful teaching-learning process, flexible and participatory system as some key tools, GSS anticipates to develop academically skilled scientists, technology experts, all-known science leaders, and intellectually valuable citizens who would be able to grasp ongoing and also upcoming natural, physical, biological, technological cultures leading all-the required areas for a holistic development of local  and global societies.   


GSS aims to impart science education with state-of-the-art quality enabling every learner to identify and transform her/his inner potential into working competences while getting prepared to lead the global knowledge society as a distinguished scientist, doctor, engineer etc. Guided by this overarching objective, GSS asserts the under listed as the specific objectives for +2 science education: 

  1. Develop an understanding and appreciation of science as a comprehensive subject based on different interconnected dimensions, intrinsic and extrinsic features, skills, values and mind-sets engaged to promote scientifically knowledgeable life.
  2. Provide research proven science curriculum for teaching-learning based on a blend of foundational and interdisciplinary approaches integrated with science pedagogy designed as an exclusive program of research significance in preparing new generations to successfully further study and use science knowledge and skills for mainstream career.
  3. Foster logically strong scientific mindedness by mentoring school-learners with consistently reformed teaching-learning procedures and training of individuals, organizations, institutions, communities, and society at large.
  4. Operate physical, biological, chemical and technological science education blended with medical, engineering, information communication technology, computing and more employing innovative learning methods e.g. conferencing, symposium, seminar, virtual simulation methods, applied science experimentation and so on.   
  5. Build a community of competent and caring educators, with rich experience and multi-task perspectives, and reinvigorate them with new methods of teaching-learning science enhanced by means of continued professional development opportunities and faculty exchanges.
  6. Update and consistently reform the curriculum to ensure implementation in mainstream teaching new scientific ideas, technologies and pedagogies as adopted and in practice across innovative academic benchmarks globally.
  7. Encourage and facilitate passionate learners to engage in various natural, biological, medical, technological areas of educational practice for learning to discover cause and effect relations binding the objects of investigation also combined with reasons for insights about science in real-life. 
  8. Develop learners intellectually sound, knowledgeable and skilled scientists.
  9. Motivate circles of learners to be acquainted with science as a self-initiating practice in a caring and conducive learning environment in order to bring the best out of them. 
  10. Instill creativity and innovativeness in potential school-age learners through contemporary approaches of personalized nurturing guidance. 
  11. Make science study a wonderfully pleasant experience.


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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